MiR Mobile Industrial Robots

Optimize your workflows with the mobile robots from MiR
The mobile robots from MiR are autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) designed to optimize productivity in logistics and manufacturing operations. The MiR AMRs make your employees more efficient by allowing them to focus on higher-value activities, while shortening lead time, reducing the risk of bottlenecks, and optimizing safety.
Why the MiR robots will fit into your business:
- Collaborates safely with people
- Avoids static and dynamic obstacles
- Complies with relevant safety standards
- Open platform and easy to customize with different top modules
- Possibility of out of the box solutions from or from 3rd parties in MiRGo
- Fast and central configuration of fleet of robots with MiR Fleet
- Easy to add new robots to your fleet via shared data between robots
- Traffic flow between robots is coordinated efficiently
- Navigates in highly dynamic environments
- Chooses the most efficient path and calculates alternative routes automatically if needed
- Multiple pickup and delivery points
Easy to integrate:
- Fast and cost-efficient deployment without disruptions to existing processes or layout
- Can be programmed via the user-friendly robot interface without prior programming experience
- Easy to modify the robot's setup when the factory floor or processes change
- Fits into most environments and can move in narrow spaces, drive up ramps, take the elevator and more

The widest range of mobile robots on the market
MiR has launched a new robot every year since our founding to live up to customer demands. We now offer AMRs with payloads from 100-1000 kg that can optimize all workflows from the transportation of smaller parts to moving heavy loads and pallets automatically. Check out each robot here.

MiR1000 automates your internal transportation of heavy items and pallets, optimizes efficiency and releases your employees for tasks that create higher value.

MiR500 is designed to automate the transportation of pallets and heavy loads across industries. With a total payload of 500 kg, and a footprint of 1350x920 mm.

Smaller footprint and height for narrow places with up to 250 kg payload!